The chore of washing and drying clothes has come a long way since hand-scrubbing and hanging each item out to dry. Gone are the days of having to starch and iron every work shirt and suit, thank goodness. Today’s dryers are packed with special functions to ensure your items stay fluffed and ready to wear in a moment’s notice without requiring any extra work from you. Did you forget the load in the dryer and concerned they will be wrinkly? No worries, settings like WrinkleShield will keep them tossing and turning until you’re ready to fold them. Another of the many functions that successfully delivers this result is the power of steam. Steam dryers have become a staple in the modern home thanks to their many abilities. But are the worth all the hype? Here we review the advantages of steam dryers so that you can decide!
Nothing puts a kink in your morning routine more than realizing the shirt you need has been crumpled up into a ball and now displaying a canvas of wrinkles. You don’t want to look sloppy so you just toss your wrinkly shirt back into the dryer for a few minutes and hope the sudden heat will help remove the wrinkles. But from past experience, you know it’s a real toss-up. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. This is because heat alone isn’t enough to remove those pesky wrinkles. In fact, the only reason your items come out smooth right after a cycle is because it’s using the power of water from the washer. But when your items are not wet or are made from a difficult material, steam dryers are able to lightly spray water during a hot drying cycle to create steam. The steam then penetrates the fabrics, causing them to soften up and release creases and folds to eliminate wrinkles.
It’s not always necessary to wash a shirt after wearing it. In fact, overwashing a shirt can cause colors to fade and fabrics to wear out. If a shirt appears clean and just needs a freshen up, don’t immediately toss it into the wash - freshen it up in your steam dryer! Steam dryers are able to remove odor-causing bacteria with steam to remove odors in your clothes. Conventional dryers are not able to do this and do require a wash.
Conventional dryers use heat to remove moisture from clothes, causing fabrics and threads to stiffen up and sometimes not feel rough. Steam dryers use moisture throughout the drying process so fabrics feel softer, making your blankets, sheets, and clothing feel fluffier and cozier. Steam also removes the static that is created from dry air so you can officially toss out the dryer sheets.
With a steam dryer, you can use a quick dryer cycle to smooth, deodorize, and soften your fabrics instead of running them through an entire new washer & dryer load. This means you are running your washer and dryer far less, thereby saving you both energy, time, and money.
It is important to note there can be a few cons along with the pros. Steam dryers do tend to cost more upfront than conventional dryers. Depending on the model, it may require an added water line to continually turn moisture into steam. However, with many of the advantages and energy savings, the pros can definitely outweigh the cons. Check out our selection of steam dryers online or at your local Bray & Scarff.
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