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Mirrors make a lovely accent in a kitchen, whether using a framed option on an open wall or as a backsplash (see post here). Yet the kitchen is a workspace, in which all surfaces tend to get dirty often (especially depending upon the cook!). Keeping a clear reflection on your mirrors is important.


There are a several easy ways to clean a mirror, and a couple we recommend for kitchen backsplashes, which will naturally collect food stains and splatters, and may require more frequent cleaning than a bathroom or hallway mirror.


1: Cut the grease. Super hot water on a cloth or paper towel will work well to collect grease. If the splatters are extra tricky, 2 drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle with filtered water will easily cut the grease.

Note: Always apply cleaner on towel rather than spraying cleaning solution directly on mirror. Excess cleaner will collect and likely wick up the bottom of the mirror to the back, where it will potentially damage the backing and cause "black edge".

2: Wipe clean with a non-fiber cloth for a streak free look. A microfiber cloth usually leaves the cleanest look. You can also choose to spray with traditional glass cleaner, though this is probably only needed occasionally.

Caution: When it comes to mirrors, avoid any cleaner with ammonia or vinegar. The silver used to make mirror is extremely sensitive to caustic or acid cleaners. This may not affect mirrors requiring less frequent wipe-downs, but in a workspace environment like the kitchen, it's best to avoid. 3. An Extra Step: Protecting your Mirror.

There are a couple of glass/window protectant sprays on the market, such as rainx, that you can spray on your Kitchen mirror. This will cause any wet splatters to bead up and not penetrate the surface of your mirror. The great thing about cleaning mirrored backsplash is that it's only one surface to wipe. Tile with its grout edges can be tedious to clean food particles and stains off of.


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