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Stainless steel is inarguably the popular choice for appliances right now. Not only is it durable and have a long life span, it is aesthetically pleasing. Thanks to its sleek, gleaming metallic finish, stainless steel appliances complement almost any kitchen design and style. Since it doesn't fade, discolor, rust, or stain, stainless steel will maintain its shine and aesthetic qualities for several years to come. So your stainless steel appliances will always look sleek and shiny, right? Absolutely! Unless, of course, you plan on actually using them. While stainless steel is stain-resistant, it can still be susceptible to fingerprints, watermarks, and streaking. Just opening the fridge door after slicing up some veggies can make your sleek showroom into a showcase for smudges. Hey, messes are going to happen, especially in the kitchen. But do not be disheartened! Stainless steel is actually very easy to clean – and you don't have to use harsh chemicals! Here we give you easy step-by-step directions to clean your stainless steel appliances using safe, natural, and inexpensive kitchen items you probably already have! 1. Find the Grain Similar to wood, stainless steel has a grain. The grain consists of very faint grooves found on the surface of your appliance. Each sheet of stainless will have the same grain direction, though attached knobs or handles may go a different direction. You will want to clean along the grain to avoid filling these tiny crevices with residue and existing grime. 2. Choose a Non-Abrasive Cloth It is important to go with a non-abrasive cloth to avoid tiny scratching. Microfiber cloths are best for polishing and won't leave behind watermarks or residue. Paper towels can work just as well, though they may leave some lint behind. 3. Create a Vinegar/Water Solution Mix 1 part distilled white vinegar to 1 part water in a spray bottle to make the perfect cleaning solution. Simply spray directly onto your stainless steel surface and wipe along the grain with your non-abrasive cloth. This will remove smudges and grime while disinfecting the surface. Since vinegar is an acid and can corrode mineral deposits, it is important to always dilute with water. 4. Shine with Oil Now that your appliance is clean, give it a good rubdown with oil. You can use either a small glob of coconut oil or a spot of olive oil. Apply the oil to your non-abrasive cloth and rub your appliance along the grain using long, straight strokes. Immediately wipe away the oil with your microfiber cloth or paper towel to polish. This will give your appliance a beautiful shine and even finish! Now stand back and fall in love with your stainless steel appliances all over again!

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