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It's that tense moment. You know the one. The one when you suddenly both realize the other's phone is about to die and there's only one charger available. Which will take priority – the informative article you were reading on Facebook or the Angry Bird's game your spouse was playing? Then the conversation takes a turn for the worse when blame is ruthlessly thrown around about who lost the other charger in the first place or who got to use the charger first last time. Negotiations are next and favors are waged for the first 10-minute shift on the charger but who are we kidding - that never works! Resentment quickly sets in and suddenly hurt feelings from the past and that thing your mother-in-law said about your shirt 6 years ago are brought up and good gracious how did things spiral so out of control?! Now imagine a world where all of that is avoided by simply placing your phone on the countertop. A countertop. A beautiful, Corian® solid surface countertop. Because guess what? That countertop can charge your phones. “Absurd!” you say. “What is this, Back to the Future Part II?” Nay, my friend. This is the real life and the geniuses at DuPont™ and Power Matters Alliances accomplished it with the all new Corian® Charging Surface. Paper records, cup of tea, a mobile phone and a pencil on a white office desktop. So how does it work, you ask? Well let us go put on our important lab coats real quick. Much better. Actually this may be a question for DuPont™ to answer: “Wireless power, also known as inductive coupling, uses narrow magnetic fields that are a natural part of how electrical current moves through wires. It starts by creating a magnetic field around a hidden electrical coil. The receiving device has a hidden coil that can receive the magnetic energy created, thereby transferring power wirelessly.” In basic terms, underneath the Corian® solid surface is a transmitter that transfers energy safely to a smart device and stops charging once the battery is full. {dee625a9-3a26-4a01-887c-a941cd1747af}_diagram-vector Or as we might put it, insert external adapter thingy into charging port thingy, set down on the counter, and voilà! Power. If your phone already has wireless built-in support then you are set to go (and look simply brilliant while doing it!). {53433da0-7a1a-47b6-acff-2bfb8f5ce77f}_ForHomesGallery_3 The Charging Surface isn't just limited to cell phones either. Both smaller and larger tablets can be charged, although the larger ones may take more time to get a full battery. Plus you can use your device while it's charging which means no more interruptions to your Pinterest obsessing! I mean, ahem, work time. {d3c3afa2-ea95-4b18-b814-2ab1e4a403f6}_ForHomesGallery_1 Corian® Charging Surface can be anywhere in the house or office that integrates solid surface. Kitchen countertops, breakfast nooks, bathroom counters (we're not even going to go there), dining areas – you name it. Talk about versatile! {81c48ad7-2c4b-4759-861c-d14cc649431f}_ForBusinessGallery_3Make an appointment with our Kitchen Specialist today! For more information on this awesome technology, you can check out DuPont's website here. And in the meantime, dream of a world where your countertop understands your 1% pain and will be there for you to make it all better.

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